While I was walking around the railway quarters, I met some elderly familiar folks setting up a cassette player playing sounds of bird chirpping inside some bushes at the foot of Kepayan Ridge. Upon enquiry they told me they are setting up trap to catch this bird. Any one knows what specie is this? Looks pretty and chirps lovely sounds.
Inilah burung yang dipanggil Murai Batu / Rimba. It's highly sought bird by bird's lovers. A couple of years ago my relative in Tenom asked me to buy a cassette with recorded chirping of the Murai Batu for the purpose of attracting similar birds.
It was effective and he caught about 50 birds. A bird is sold at a hefty price. Boleh bikin business tapi saya takut itu burung "protected species". Jaga-jaga juga.
Ya, protected by 3rd dimension nih kana hati-hati. By the way, I had published your comments but don't see it appear.
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