But this seems very slow and I got frustrated waiting for the upload to finish,. So I cancel that and upload a few more pictures to share with you.
This one depicts the Bomba team that had been stationed to look for more possible bodies.
Caption from the local Daily Express:
Thursday, 10 April, 2008
2 die in train plunge Tenom: A train with 41 passengers derailed and plunged into the Sungai Padas shortly after it left the station here for Beaufort, Wednesday, killing a man and a woman. The tragedy occurred about five km from the station and opposite the Pangi hydro power plant at about 3.25pm. The ground where the track was laid caved in, derailing the train, which left the station at about 2.50pm. The two deceased were believed to be locals in their 40s. Their identities were unavailable at press time.
District Police Chief, DSP Mazlan Hj Lazim said 16 passengers sustained injuries and were admitted to the district hospital while the rest received only outpatient treatment. A passenger, Ambutung Simbalui, said he sensed something wrong with the way the train was travelling. "I felt as if the train skipped a few tracks and jolted É then suddenly the front coach nosedived into the water," said the 50-year-old. Another passenger, Marius Sariu, 36, said he sustained injuries after the train plunged into the murky water. "Everyone panicked and was scrambling to find their way out," he said. The Tenom rail track had encountered several mishaps within the last decade that also incurred the loss of lives.
DAILY EXPRESS NEWS 11th April 2008
Driver recounts ordeal:
Assistant train driver Awang Jamak was thankful that he was still alive after being trapped under water, in one of two coaches of the train which derailed and plunged into the Padas River following a landslide on Wednesday. Speaking from his bed at the district hospital here where he is being treated for a broken left leg, he said the incident happened suddenly. Having found himself under water, he said he tried to feel his way out. "I thought I was going to die. Luckily, I managed to feel an open window through which I managed to get out, with a lot of people on the river bank helping me up," he said, with a tinge of sadness. Awang, who has 15 years' experience, acknowledged that he encountered similar incidents before but "not this serious". He said derailment was quite common. Twenty-four-year-old Indonesian Rina Pandi, of Kampung Masak, who was in a serious condition, having suffered internal injuries, was unable to talk to relate her experience. The derailment occurred at Kampung Tenom, some 4km from the Tenom railway station, after the two-coach train left carrying 41 passengers on a routine journey for Beaufort. Two of the passengers died in the mishap, presumably drowned. Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman, accompanied by Infrastructure Development Minister Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah, Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister Datuk Radin Malleh, Tenom MP Raimi Unggi and Health Department representatives Dr Heric Cooray and Dr William Gotulis visited the victims at the hospital. On Wednesday evening, Musa ordered a thorough investigation into the incident.photo
1 comment:
Assalamualaikum wbt,
Welcome to the Bloggers Community!
Congrats. Dawn of a new era, I am so proud to see a friend I knew for a long time decided to take up blogging. For our generation, blogging is the most exciting pastime that makes our mind works and stay alert at all time. As a blogger we can't afford to miss things happening around us otherwise "kita habis katan" what to write next.
Congratulation. Can't wait to read your next postings.
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